How to connect with your Shamanic Drum

Your Shamanic Drum is more than just a musical instrument; it is a living being, a healer, a teacher, and a friend on your spiritual journey. It holds within its sacred rhythms the power to connect you more deeply with yourself, with the land and with spiritual guidance and healing.

The Spirit of the Drum: Friend, Healer, and Teacher

When you hold your Shamanic Drum, you're holding not just an object but a living being with its own personality and character. Some find that their drums are drawn to healing work, while other drums prefer to accompany you on your personal journeys. This individuality is where we begin to understand the Spirit of the Drum. It's not just an instrument; it's a sacred companion.

From an animistic perspective, which underlies shamanic ways of being, everything possesses spirit – people, animals, trees, rocks, and even sacred instruments. In this worldview, we can grasp the concept of the Spirit of the Drum. The drum is not merely an object; it's a living being, capable of communication and nurturing a relationship with you.

Honouring the Sacred Relationship

To deepen your connection with the Spirit of the Drum, it must be honoured and treated with respect. This sacred relationship is nurtured through sacred practices, deep reverence, and understanding. When a drum is birthed in a ceremonial way, the relationship begins from a place of honour and respect. Conversely, neglect and disrespect can diminish the drum's energy and power, weakening the connection between you and your drum.

Connecting with the Spirit of the Drum: A Guided Journey

Whether you've birthed your drum yourself or not, you can still seek to connect deeply with its spirit. We recommend embarking on a guided journey to meet the Spirit of the Drum. This journey will help you establish a profound connection with your drum, allowing you to explore the unique personality and character it holds within and find out more about how you are to work together.

Deepen Your Connection with Our Online Courses

For those eager to explore this sacred relationship further, we offer the Spirit of the Drum online course, designed to deepen your connection with your Shamanic Drum and how you can work together for healing, journeying and for connecting with the land. This four week online course includes pre-recorded lessons and handouts that you can work through in your own time.

Additionally, if you would like to learn how to confidently Journeying with your Shamanic Drum, our five-week Shamanic Journeying online course will help you develop this practice for healing and guidance, helping you unlock the full potential of your spiritual journeys.

Embracing the Spirit of the Drum enriches your spiritual journey, providing you with profound insights and experiences. As you nurture this sacred relationship, you'll unlock the full potential of your Shamanic Drum and embark on a transformative journey guided by the wisdom of the drum's spirit. So, embrace the Spirit of the Drum, and let it be your trusted companion on your spiritual voyage.


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