Heron Drums Blog

How to celebrate the Spring Equinox with your Shamanic Drum

News from Heron Drums

How to celebrate Imbolc with your Shamanic Drum

How to Celebrate the Winter Solstice with your Shamanic Drum
The Winter Solstice is a time for reflection, introspection, and connecting with our vision. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.

How to celebrate Samhain with your Shamanic Drum

How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox with your Shamanic Drum
The Autumn Equinox represents balance, as well as marks the shift from light to dark, from a focus of without to within. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.

How to celebrate Lughnasadh with your Shamanic Drum

How to celebrate the Summer Solstice with your Shamanic Drum

Juniper: Old Traditions for Modern Rituals

How to Celebrate Beltaine with your Shamanic Drum

What makes each Shamanic Drums voice unique?

How to celebrate the Spring Equinox with your Shamanic Drum

Why Do Shamanic Drums go Flat in the Damp?

How to celebrate Imbolc with your Shamanic Drum
How to connect with your Shamanic Drum

How to oil your Shamanic Drum

How to Celebrate the Winter Solstice with your Shamanic Drum
The Winter Solstice is a time for reflection, introspection, and connecting with our vision. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.

Our Commitment to these Sacred Lands

How to celebrate Samhain with your Shamanic Drum

How to celebrate the Autumn Equinox with your Shamanic Drum
The Autumn Equinox represents balance, as well as marks the shift from light to dark, from a focus of without to within. With our Shamanic Drums, we can attune ourselves to this change to connect with the wisdom and medicine of this upcoming season.