How to celebrate the Spring Equinox with your Shamanic Drum

The Spring Equinox marks the time of year when day and night are of equal length, and the balance between light and darkness is restored. As we move from the dark half of the year into the light, it is a time of renewal, rebirth, and new beginnings, when the energy of the Earth begins to awaken and come back to life.

The Spring Equinox typically falls on or around March 20th, and is a time that has been celebrated by cultures all over the world for thousands of years, and aligned with many of our sacred neolithic sites. It is a time to honour the return of the sun, the emergence of new growth, and the renewal of life.

Like the Winter Solstice, the Spring Equinox is a time of transition and change. It invites us to reflect on the past and consider what we want to create in the future. It is a time to plant seeds, both literally and figuratively, and to set intentions for the year ahead.

We have been sharing ways that we can work with our Shamanic Drums to connect with the magic and wisdom of the seasons and festivals, and this month, we continue with three ways that we can connect with the Spring Equinox.

In our regular drumming circles, we drum to connect and attune ourselves to the seasonal changes in the land, to remain connected and in tune with the wisdom and medicine each season brings. You can join us for our regular drum circles -. Click here for more information.

How to use our Shamanic Drums to connect with the season:

1. Drum for new growth and renewal

Play your drum to create a rhythmic beat to honour and celebrate the emergence of new growth and the renewal of life both around you and within you.

I often explain to people that a round of drumming is also a prayer, and as it raises a lot of energy, it is good to give it some dedication or focus. To connect in with the magic and medicine of the season, focus on the buds that are opening in your life, and the new growth emerging, and drum some love and energy to these.

2. Journey to connect with the Spirit of the Season

The Shamanic Journey is a practice where the rhythm of the Drum guides you into an inner visionary landscape, for guidance and healing. We often journey with an intention or a question, with the hope of meeting a spiritual being in this landscape to give us the answer or guidance that we need.

As this is a time of new beginning, the shamanic journey can be a powerful practice to meet a spirit guide and receive guidance and direction on your new projects and paths. Call on the spirit of the season, and journey within, supported by your guides and allies.

If you are familiar with the practice of journeying, you can use the sound recording below to help you with your journey. If you would like to learn more about journeying, and how you can develop this practice for guidance and healing, take a look at our Shamanic Journeying online course, with recorded lessons that you can work through in your own time.

3. Drum for Balance

The act of drumming itself can help us escape our busy minds and settle into a balanced space within ourselves. When we play these healing tools, we do so with an intention, prayer, or focus, giving direction to the powerful energy that drumming creates. 

At this time of the Spring Equinox, take some time to drum for yourself, holding an intention for “Balance” as you do so, and let the healing rhythms of the drum work their magic on you. 

If you can get out in nature for this drumming practice, sit at the base of a tree and let yourself be held in its energy and strength while asking for its support in helping you find Balance. This is also a great way to connect with the changes in the season, feeling the cool air of the arriving Spring as you drum. Give an offering to the tree of herbs, oats, or salt as a thank you when you are finished. 

The Spring Equinox is a powerful time of year that invites us to connect with the energy of the Earth and to embrace new beginnings. By using Shamanic Drums to connect with this energy, we can deepen our understanding of the season and the wisdom it offers.

We hope you find this guide useful! Please share your experiences celebrating the Solstice with us either in the comment section below or on our social media @HeronDrumsUK.

Want to deepen your understanding of the Drum and learn more ways of working with it? Join one of our online courses.


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