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  • 20% off drum making supplies

    A special offer for our Drum Maker community - get 20% off Drum Making Supplies for orders over £500 using the discount code HD20WS500 at checkout

  • 20% off the Spirit of the Drum online course

    To start your connection with your Shamanic Drum in the right way, get 20% off the Spirit of the Drum online course when you order a Shamanic Drum or Bespoke Shamanic Drum.

  • 50% off our Drum birthing video tutorial

    Birth your own Shamanic Drum in ceremony, with 50% off our Drum Birthing video tutorial when you order a Drum Making Kit from our online shop


Here you'll discover a treasure trove of perfectly good items at reduced prices. These products may have minor marks or imperfections, or they could be end-of-line items looking for a new home. Each piece in Markdown Market is still of exceptional quality and offers fantastic value for those seeking unique finds at a discounted price.

Subject to availability

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All of our offers apply to new orders only, cannot be applied retroactively and are subject to availability.