Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part II)

Yesterday, we began sharing the stories of the stones in our Special Collection, and showed how Baltic Amber, Preseli Bluestone and Amethyst have been part of this lands story through many thousands of years. 

Today we continue this journey through the stones and their stories

Iona Marble and Skye Marble

These two sacred stones come from two isles of the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, both ancient places of pilgrimage, magic and mystery. 

Iona Marble is prized as a good luck charm, coming from the sacred Isle of Iona off the coast of Scotland, where St Columba built his monastery and, to this day, is considered a holy place, and a place of pilgrimage.

Iona Marble is associated with tranquility, and harmony with nature, and with this stone in the handle of our drums, we can connect to this magical mystical island. It has been used by healers to help the body return to a time unhindered by stresses and pollution of modern times.

From the largest island in the Hebrides, Skye Marble helps us connect with the mystical spirit and vibration of this isle. It is known to raise our spiritual awareness and aid clear thinking.

The Isle Of Skye has long been known as a beautiful misty island which shrouds the land, obscuring sight and creating a captivating veil across the land. Working with this stone in your drum helps you journey through the veil, connect with spiritual realms, and maintain a sense of peace. 

It is available in the following three drums

Cairngorm Quartz

From the mighty mountain range of the eastern Highlands of Scotland, we have  Cairngorm Quartz. It is an incredibly rare, yellowish-brown form of Smokey Quartz, from a landscape of myth and magic, with stories of spirits of faeries linked with every loch and glen. 

The Celtic peoples began mining Cairngorm Quartz around 300 BC, and it has grown to be a symbol of Scotland and its official national gemstone. Over recent centuries, craftsmen have incorporated the crystal into swords, shoulder brooches, kilt pins and dirk pommels, and now, at Heron Drums, we weave it into the handle of your Shamanic Drums to bring its wisdom and medicine to your spiritual journey. 

It’s qualities are: protection from negative energy, good decision making and insight, calming, and grounding

It is available in the following three drums


The story of Flint is inseparable from the story of ancient peoples in this land, being used for tens of thousands of years in this land in ancient tools such as axes and knives, as well as for creating sparks to start the oldest hearth fires. .

As well as connecting us with many generations of ancient ancestors, it helps connect us with qualities such as grounding, and protection, as well as aiding in developing spirituality, guidance, balance and harmony.

The Flint in our Shamanic Drums has been gathered by us in Kent and tumbled especially for this Special Collection. Look out for tomorrow's article where we will show some of the process these went through.

It is available in the following three drums:

Blue John Fluorite

Discovered over 2000 years ago in the Shivering Mountains, in Derbyshire, Blue John is a rare form of Fluorite that has always been recognised for its beauty.

This stone is now protected, following over-mining in the earlier part of last century. In present day, this stone is mined responsibility under the shadow of Mam Tor.

Blue John's name comes from the French "Bleu-Jaune", because of its striking blue and yellow colouration that ripples through it.

It carries the spirit of change and personal growth, and it helps aid spontaneity, altruistic pursuits, good decision making, and clarity of mind. 

It is available in the following three drums:

Come back tomorrow to see our “Behind the Scenes” articles for this collection.


Sacred Stones: Behind the Scenes of this Special Collection


Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part I)