Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part I)

We would like to introduce you now to the stones and crystals that we have included in this collection. They are all sourced from the British Isles, some by our own hands, and some polished and tumbled in our workshop.

Baltic Amber 

The first of the stones in this collection, Baltic Amber, has a long history in these isles, reaching back into the neolithic times. It is believed to wash up on our eastern shores, though some may have been deposited by glaciers in the last ice age. 

One of the oldest examples of its use was found in the 4,000 year old neolithic grave where it formed part of a necklace, wrapped in a bear fur with the cremated remains of a young woman, in Dartmoor. Over the millennia, it has been a highly valued and traded stone in these isles, and was also commonly found in Viking burials in jewellery. 

It symbolises life’s energy, and its qualities are: balancing emotions, bringing good luck, eliminating fears and developing patience and wisdom, immune boosting, soothing. 

It is available in the following three drums

Preseli Bluestone

These famous stones have travelled from the Preseli Mountains in south west wales, and are famously part of the world famous heritage site at Stonehenge. 

Only recently it was discovered that the Bluestone inner circle of Stonehenge is likely to have come from an earlier stone circle in the Preseli Mountains, and stood there for about 400 years. Studies have also shown that the Bluestones have acoustic properties, and would ring like a bell when struck, which is why they may have been a part of these sacred sites. 

Its qualities are: emotional, physical and spiritual healing, improves courage and confidence, will power, clarity of mind and focus, can strengthen your soul, and stimulate psychic gifts, clairvoyance, and clairsentience.

It is available in the following three drums


Amethyst is such a popular stone that nearly everyone knows. Most amethyst comes from far around the world, and is subject to the same issues as described yesterday. We were excited to work with Amethyst, sourced from Scotland, which we tumbled ourselves here at Heron Drums.

The Amethyst from Scotland is interwoven with its legends and stories of how the thorny thistle helped protect Scotland from the Vikings. Throughout time, amethyst is a stone that has been worn by ancient priests and priestesses, and is associated with wisdom and spiritual vision. 

Its qualities are: Good for relieving stress and headaches, as well as helping with insomnia, transformation, protection, sleep, and spiritual wisdom. 

It is available in the following three drums:

Check back here tomorrow to see our introduction to the other stones featured in our Sacred Stones collection: Flint, Cairngorm Quartz, Iona Marble, Skye Marble, and Blue John.


Sacred Stones: Stones and their Stories (Part II)


Sacred Stones: Honouring the Ancient Ones beneath our feet